Good Evening.
Since Sunday's event I have taken a step back for a moment. It was so overwhelming to meet each and every one of you. My many thanks to those who coordinated and worked. At two o'clock on Sunday afternoon I received a phone call that has sat me back the last few days. I was informed that my sister in law had passed away. I had just spent time with her this past October when I was in Denver. My brother and her were recently married this past December and were madly in love with one another. She apparently got out of bed at about two in the morning to use the restroom, came back to bed for a while and decided she couldn't sleep so she decided to go into the front room and lay on the sofa. She gave my brother a kiss on the forehead and thanked him for taking such good care of her. When my brother Scott woke up, he went to the front room to leave for work and gave her a kiss, but she didn't respond for she had died. Needless to say, my brother is torn apart and it left me numb and crying for two hours before I came to the pizza joint. I put on a happy face so as to not bring sadness to such a beautiful event but I will admit, it was hard.
I am still awaiting a phone call from my nurse coordinator to tell me to shag my butt into the hospital. So there really isn't anything new to report as far as my health or projected time to enter UCLA, but when I find out I will definitely post it before I go in.
I just read a post on my timeline,"When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself."
I am now living in an apartment on Butterfield Ranch Road until I am called into the hospital. Acutally, it isn't my apartment, I am simply using a room. I am still working with Debi's horse, Cody, which is very therapeutic for me. Going to my first horse race this weekend and am really looking forward to it.
Also, a $100 was mailed out today and should arrive in your mail box tomorrow, Friday at the lastest.
See y'all tomorrow.
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