Sitting here at Starbucks enjoying a cup of mud and watching people come in and out. A young man just walked by me, obviously homeless for he appears to have not had a bath or shave in quite some time. His clothes are dirty and ragged. As he walked by, we looked at one another and I said, "How ya doin"? He said, "good." How can he be good? How does someone this age get into this position? I understand there are addictions, drugs, booze, whatever, but I am interested in his story. I don't know how I can help but I am going to find out. Maybe I can take him over to Subway and have lunch with him. I wish I had my own place for I would take him there and let him clean up a bit, feel better about himself. Unfortunately, most people look at homeless folks and classify them as drug addicts or alcoholics, not really knowing their story. I watched a clip on Facebook once where a young man went up to a homeless man, gave him a hundred dollar bill just to see what he would do with it. He was sure the guy would go directly to a liquor store and buy a bottle. Instead, he went and bought food and brought it back for his fellow homeless friends who were sitting in the park. The young man was so taken back by this gesture that he went to him and gave him another hundred dollars. He took the time to talk to the man and get his story. The man was homeless, not due to addictions, but rather lack of employment. He had lost his home, cars, marriage, everything. Boy, can I relate to that. He said it was just a matter of life's circumstances not put him where he is.
The young man just walked by me on his way out and I invited him over to my table. He sat down and we introduced each other. I shook his hand, he looked me in the eye with a firm handshake and I asked him his story. As I was listening I couldn't help notice his gaunt face, bad teeth, unshaven, dirty face, but it didn't matter. He reminded me of one of my sons who at one time went through five years of drug addiction, homelessness and living at the bottom. I relayed the story of how my son finally turned the corner and is working hard, has a great girl, is responsible and left that life behind. Being homeless may be an unfortunate circumstance as I am only a room away from being there, but to live your life on drugs or alcohol is a choice. You really know what another person is going through. You don't know there whole story, but yet there are people that feel the need to put their nose in someone else's business when it shouldn't be, say things about someone that aren't true or overly exaggerated. This happened to me just two nights ago. I don't know this young mans entire story but I do know that he is a fellow human being and regardless or his mistakes, misfortunes, wrong choices, whatever, it is not my job to judge. As the bible says, if you can't forgive your fellow man, I will not forgive you. This young man is a brother of mine and though I can't fix his life I sure the hell can help him out. I asked him if he had any money on him. Of course the answer was no. I reached into my wallet and helped him out a bit. I asked him if I could buy him a cup of mud and a bite to eat. He accepted my offer. We talked a bit more and than it was time to go separate directions. I just could't help but see my sons years ago as I looked into this young mans face. I suppose I will always have a soft spot for these young people. When I get out of the hospital and get on my feet, I think I would like to work with these homeless kids. Not sure what organizations are out there but I will find something local. This just isn't right, not in this country. Homeless vets, people that are victims of a failing economy, just isn't right.
Another observation this morning is how much people are in such a hurry. Almost running into Starbucks to get there cup of whatever and hurrying back to their cars only to hurriedly drive away never seeing anything that is going on around them. I just want to say slow down, look around, enjoy that fact that you are alive today, God is giving you time. I suppose that is one of main reasons I love Wyoming, no one is in a hurry. The country is beautiful, people are friendly and no one is in a rush to do anything. One day
Enjoy your day to the fullest. Live life hard and I don't mean that literally. Live it to it's fullest because time for all of us is running out, you just don't know when. Catch ya'll next time.
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