Friday, March 20, 2015

This is now the twelfth blog of the night.  Today, I was shown some texts from people in the community that have taken it upon themselves to be mean, cowardly, and backstabbing.  These people will not be at my fire any more.  I thought about defending myself, opening up my life on a blog, but I don't think I will.  Yes, mistakes are made and I have made plenty, but like Jesus and the whore, who hasn't?  Some people have to go out of their way to be hurtful and spiteful.  Their lives are so miserable and lonely that they have to try and make themselves feel better because their either jealous, upset, or otherwise have nothing going on.  My friends, my true friends, know me.  The ones that are so easily persuaded because they have heard something and don't confront me before deciding whether they wish to know me, are not my friends and never will be.

Today, I had the pleasure of meeting a woman in the Albertson's parking lot who follows my journey and wrote a very nice response regarding our meeting.  I had the pleasure of talking to a homeless young man only to be called by someone who knows him very well and after telling this person about my day said, don't worry about those people.  Katie, always a support and also gave me good words about her experience when she went in for her bone marrow transplant.  She said some people were mean and cruel but to stay focused on what is coming up.  I have enough on my plate without having to deal with a bunch of people that wish to say and spread hateful words.  However, there are so many of you that have stuck with me, know me, and for you, I am eternally grateful.

There are two sides to every fence.  Make sure you look at the ground on both sides before you decide to jump off.  Usually, one side is green and the other one is full of dung.  This will be my last blog regarding this subject.  I apologize for this one being so negative but I am not one to let people walk on me.   From now on, it will be about my journey.  Time to move on!


  1. Great, Ted! I hope those mean people are happy! Who cares! We've all done things we aren't proud of and we all have haters! This is what life is about and it's definitely too damn short to have ignorant people like that around. No one knows your story like you COWBOY! We all grow so much through life it's part of the process. You're not here to make friends, you're here to fight a battle and share your story (your AMAZING story) the friends & new family are just a bonus! It's about you, Ted! Pray for the people that know NOTHING about what you're going through & think they do! I love you! Keep your head up you stubborn cowboy! #LifesTooShort #StayStrongCowboy

  2. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Judging people these days has become common place. You never know someone's journey and they never know yours. With that said anyone bringing up "dirt" whether true or not has issues with themselves and it has nothing to do with you. Ignore or acknowledge and move on. Katie is correct. You don't have time for that. I BELIEVE. 😘

    1. Great advice, Bo!!!! So true!!!!!!!! :)

  3. I messaged you Ted, before I even saw this post. I guess what I said is even more true now!
