Sunday, March 29, 2015

Tonight I had the privilege and opportunity to meet with a young man who is going through some painful times that I went through in my life.  We had a great dinner with his family and then went off by ourselves to talk.  It matters not what we talked about because it is no ones business but ours; however, it was a moving conversation.  I relayed two stories from my past that will be two stories in my memoirs.  Both of them have to do with life and death, survival, holy intervention and understanding why I am still alive.  This young man is extremely intelligent, articulate, educated and somewhat street savvy.  His future is as bright as the stars on a cold Wyoming night.  The world is awaiting at his feet and I firmly believe he will conquer this world and many others.  God has allowed me to stay around a bit longer so that I may have the opportunity to work with young people such as this fine young man.  Tonight I gave him my solemn promise that he can count of me, anytime, anyplace, matters not.  As I was telling him this I could see his eyes swell up with tears.  I could see that he was trying to hold back, but they flowed down his cheeks.  As he wiped his face my heart just sank because I started thinking back when I was his age wishing someone would have sat down and talked with me about my troubles as a young man.  His courage to do this, not just shed tears to a person he just met an hour earlier, but to open himself up and to allow me in was extraordinary.  A new friendship was made tonight.  There is no way I can fail this young man.  The pressure is on and I wouldn't have it any other way.  He wants to go watch what goes on in my world, so we are going out to the bull pen in a couple of weeks and come with me while I work the horses.  I am so looking forward to spending time with this young man and hopefully can help him make the right decisions in life and not go down the dark roads I did.  I would encourage anyone who reads this blog to go out of your way tomorrow, reach out to someone, lend a hand, offer a compliment, or maybe just say hello to a stranger.  We are all in this together.  It's not about you, it's not about me, it's about us.
Goodnight.  Going to hit the hay for I have a long hard week in front of me and need a bit of rest tonight.

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