Friday, March 13, 2015

Hello y'all.  Sitting her at Starbucks trying to get caught up on emails, phone calls and doctor appointments.  I just spoke with my nursed coordinator at UCLA and asked what was going on with my case.  Right now they are just awaiting approval from Medical which should be very soon.  My doctor and her however are very concerned about the breathing problems that I have been experiencing lately.  I was told that they will not do the transplant until they can figure out what is wrong with my lungs because I have to go into this transplant with no problems.  She told me that if I experienced any further episodes where I can't breathe to page the doctor for she may want to admit me.  Well, that ain't going to happen this weekend for tomorrow is my little girls birthday and Sunday I finally will have the opportunity to meet so many of you that have been in the chute with me.
Lately I have been working with a horse every morning and it's very therapeutic for me.  He is a beautiful chestnut gelding that has a high spirited personality.  We are slowly coming to a meeting of the minds and am hoping to be done with him before I go into the hospital.  Speaking of which, I was told that it would most likely be three to four weeks before they admit me.  A bit apprehensive about the whole thing, especially after researching and reading all that is going to happen to me.  Katie Cunningham has been very helpful in supporting me but also informing me of what is coming up being as she has gone through this.  When I am told that I will be extremely nauseous, will acquire mouth sores that can go into my throat, losing all my hair and just plain feeling like death, doesn't sound like much to look forward to.  I pretty much have everything taken care of on my end except for lining up help when I am in the Triverton Hotel.  I was hoping that my son in Washington could have come down for a spell but he has no vacation or sick time to use and cannot come down.  I am pretty much going to have to fend for myself, which is perfectly fine.  UCLA is a long way away and it's asking a lot from people to come babysit my sorry butt for any length of time.  I kind of bull crapped the social worker and told him I had it covered.  I figure once I am in the hospital and having the transplant they will have to put me in regardless and I will just play those cards when they're dealt.
I have had the great pleasure of meeting many new friends that past two weeks and I know that my back is covered.  Like it's said, "There isn't a cowboy that can't be throwed or a bull that can't be rode" I expect to cover this bull.  I spoke with a newly found friend who said I had a good attitude about the whole thing.  It's just another rodeo in my life.  Another bull that I am going to try and ride.  It's a challenge and I am the kind of cowboy that needs to have challenges, otherwise life is just boring, and believe me, my life has been anything but boring.  Been writing stories covering those colorful events of my life.  Need to come up with a name for my book so if y'all have any suggestions I'd greatly appreciate reading them,
Would like to say thank you for the folks that have allowed me to bed down in their home.  For the hot showers, meals and friendship.  They have welcomed me into their family and have made me feel a part.  Many thanks to all the people that have donated on my behalf to offset medical expenses, gas back and forth to UCLA (my rig gets 11 miles per gallon so it sucks up the fuel and money), food, bills that don't stop coming in and just living.  I am really anxious to get off disability, get back to work, and feel like a man again.  I have been dependent on help for so long that I just can't feel good about myself much anymore.  There is so much that I want to give back and people I want to help.  Debts that need to be attended to and relationships that need to be nurtured.  Many thanks to the members of CHC, those who have been reading my blog, Facebook friends and of course, family.  A big thanks to Jack, Bill, Sandra, Gary, Lee, and Bob for welcoming me into their circle.  A heartfelt thanks to my fellow bull riders, Justin, Jorge, Austin, Jake and John for the continued support, prayers and love.  There are so many people to thank and I hope that I will be able to properly thank many of you this Sunday at JoJo's.

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields and,
Until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

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