Monday, February 9, 2015

Cowboy Update

Cowboy Update;  Just received a call from my oncologist from UCLA.  They didn't know I was admitted to Pomona Valley and are now actively pursuing my transfer to UCLA.  This morning I woke up gasping for my breath but it has calmed down and am feeling pretty good.  My white blood cell count is down from 98,000 to 78,000 due to the chemo procedure they started on me yesterday.  I am still tying to get the jest of this blogging and posted two items on my blog this morning but not sure if my friends on CHC saw them.  Anyway, if you're down today, remember, things can always get worse.  Be thankful that you're alive and have the necessities of life.  If you're in similar boots as mine, get tough, glue down onto the back of that bull, call for the gate, and ride him for that 8 second ride.  COWBOY UP!

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