Thursday, February 5, 2015

Post Oncologist Update

Cowboy update for those who requested. Met with the doctors at UCLA and they are going to convene on Monday to review my case, upon which my oncologist is going to call me in the afternoon to relay their verdict. I have a long history of TIA's and there is a possibility they are going to ask me to take a medicine that was once pulled of the market because it was causing blood clots which in turn were leading to heart attacks and strokes. Although my heart is in perfect condition, cholesterol is ok, could be better if I didn't live on red meat, and no plaque build up, I told them I didn't want to take that chance. I have been through a lot and to be honest, I wouldn't make it through a stroke. I just soon be dead. No discredit to those who have had them and have recovered, but I just don't have that much will anymore. So, it is like being given two options. Do you want to be hung or shot to death? The transplant they think will kill me, or at least they didn't give me very good odds. So, I really have nothing concrete to go on until Monday afternoon. It's all good though. This is just a part of life. To me, this is all but another rodeo on Saturday night and I am in the chute ready to come out. In the meantime, I have an agreement to adhere to, lot of work to do, a weekend of nighttime festivities planned and going to live like this very could be my last day. I might suggest that to y'all too. Thank you for all the people that have shown an interest, your comments, prayers, wishes and good thoughts. They all make me feel good inside. Goodnight.

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