Monday, February 16, 2015

Cowboy Update.  I recently posted an article that was given to me by a good friend.  It was regarding a young woman who was going to die, her life could not be saved and she wanted to have that right to terminate her life should she get to a point of no return.  A couple of friends read it and thought I was going to do something to end this misery.  That is so far from the truth.  There may be times when I am down and singing some blues but that doesn't mean I am looking for a way out.  I came here to fight this cancer that is trying to take over my body and fight I shall do.  It very well may take over my body but it can't take over my mind and spirit.  I am a cowboy and proud of it.  I bleed red, white and blue and in doing so, I don't quit.  So, let's put this to rest.  I am fighting cancer and fight I will continue to do so up until I take my final breath.  There are times you may see tears swell up in my eyes or that I may not sound upbeat but rest assure, "QUIT" is not in my vocabulary.  "COWBOY UP" is,
Nurse coordinator just popped her head in and said there may be a bed opening up tonight at UCLA.  More to follow tonight or in the morning.    

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